marine forests & GLOBAL change
Benvinguts! Bienvenidos! Welcome!
I am a marine scientist studying global change in coastal ecosystems.
My research connects the disciplines of ecology and biogeochemistry in the coastal marine realm to understand (1) how natural ecosystems are impacted by climate change, environmental change and other anthropogenic activities, and (2) how natural ecosystems can help mitigate and adapt to climate change as well as serve as multi-stressor refugia.
I am interested in marine macrophyte foundation species (seagrass meadows and macroalgal beds) due to their importance as primary producers in coastal areas worldwide, and because these ecosystems are great models to answer general ecological questions due to the analogies with other marine and terrestrial habitats.
My general approach consists of developing manipulative field and lab experiments in combination with observational field studies. Towards that purpose, I draw on techniques that span ecology, ecophysiology, biogeochemistry, and oceanography. I do basic research driven by hypothesis testing, and part of my research has also a strong applied component.
If you want to know a little more about my work, keep exploring the website!
Seascape ecology
community ecology
ecosystems resilience
coastal carbon cycling
Cover photograph by Abbey Dias